Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Larsson Family - Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson - page 3

Baltacks is in the lower right area of the map and is parish number 40.

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Larsson Family - Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson - page 2

This is the birth record for Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson. It was retrieved from Ancestry. Com.

The first printed and handwritten line reads in Swedish is:

"Utdrag ur 1893 års Födelsebok for Baltaks församling i kakinds prosteri, Skara stift, skaraborg län, 2 blad" 

This translates to: "Excerpt from the 1893 Birth Book for Baltak's parish in Kakind's Prostory, Skara diocese, Skaraborg County, 2 leaves".

Alma's birth entry is on line 8, second from the bottom of the page. this line states that she was the 8th birth in this area for the year 1893. Her birth day was May 13. She was a female legitamate birth.

The largest area of writing - Föräldrarnes
(namn,embete, yrke, stand, hemvist, nationalitet och religionsbekannelse om frammande samt stallet for modres nedkomst om eh i hemorten), translates to: Parents' name, office, occupation, stand, domicile, nationality and religious confession of progress and the stall for the mother's descent about in the place of residence.

Her father's name was Larsson [surname], Frans Oskar. Statdrang Belteburga translates to State [Farm-worker]. Belteburga [I searched the, Wiki, for Belteburga, Vastra Goteland, Sweden. All I could find was: Skaraborg County, Additional Parish Boundaries Information, which did not list Belteburga. Belteburga could have been a very small place in the area which no longer exists.] Under the column "sist fiylle alders-år" [last full age] it states Frans was 34 years of age [at the time of Alma's birth].

Alma's mother's name was Johansson. Maria Sofia h.h. [hustru or wife]. Gifta [married] 12 a [years].  Maria Sofia was 38 years of age when Alma was born.

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Larsson Family - Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson - page 1

This photo of Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson, was taken in the studio of Hildur Sandahl inTidaholm, Sweden.
Tidalholm in a municipalitiy in Västra Götaland County, Sweden. []  

Used by permission from Robert James Lindgren.

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Schonborg Family - Karl Otto Anshelm Schonborg - page 1

Used by permission from Robert James Lindgren Jr.

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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Clarke Family - Daniel Wilson Clark - page 10

This copy of the sale sign of machinery and household goods was sent/given and used by permission from Karen Louise Clark Bradford.


Thursday, April 28, '10

I will sell the following described propertyat my ranch, one-half mile south of Millburne, Wyoming:

1 Hambletonian Stallion (Kentucky Bred); 1 extra good team geldings;
1 good pair mares, just  ready to bring colts; 1 pony mare, just ready to bring colt; 2 other mares, bred to above horse; 2 good saddlehorses; 3 colts, 1 cow.


1 Lighning Junior hay press: 2, three-quarter-Studebaker farm wagon; 1 three-quarter Studebaker farm truck; 2 moxing machines; 1 sulky rake; 3 plows; 1 potato digger; 1 harrow; 1 bob sleigh; 1 Velie buggy; 2 saddles; 1 pair chaps; 4 set harness; 2 dozen Rhode Island red hens; 2 roosters; 1,500 lbs. potatoes; household goods and other things too numerous to mention.

TERMS --- All sums under $10.00, Cash. Over that amount a credit of six months will be given. Purchaser to give note withapproved security bearing 10 per cent, interest from date.


Sale to begin promptly at 10 o'clock


Evanston Wyoming Times Electric Print

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Lower Family - Cynthia Anne Lower - page 2

I found the following record on 25 July 2020, at, Indiana Marriages, 1811-2007, Wayne,1837-1845 Volume C & D. It is Image 24 of 460. It reads:

State of Indiana} SS.
Wayne County}  Be it remembered that on the 3rd day of February AD 1838 the Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court issued a license authorizing any person legally authorized to solemnize matrimony to join in marriage Thomas G. Clark and Cinthia Anne Lower and afterwards on the 25th day of April the following return was made to the Clerks office of Said County to wit. This is to Certify that I joined in matrimony Thomas G. Clark and Cynthia Ann Lower on the [8]th day of February 1838
John Finley C.W.C.C. Freeman Farnsworth

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Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clarke - page 1 - Marriage Record

This marriage record for Thomas G. Clark and Cinthia Ann Lower was found in on 14 December 2019.

This document reads as follows:

State of Indiana}
Wayne County}     Be it remembered that on the 3rd day of February AD 1838 the Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court issued a license authorizing any person legally authorized to solemnize matrimony to join in marriage Thomas G. Clark and Cinthia Ann Lower and afterwards on the 25th day of April the following return was made to the Clerks office of Said County to wit.
this is to Certify that I joined in matrimony Thomas G. Clark and Cynthia Ann Lower on the 8th day of February 1838

JohnFinley, C.M.C.C Freeman Farnsworth

[Unoffici]al Record [is overlayed on document.]

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Lindgren Family - First Lutheran Church, St. Paul Minneapolis - page 3

The following pictures are from the First Lutheran Church facebook page:

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Lindgren Family - First Lutheran Church, St. Paul Minneapolis - page 2

The following pictures are from the First Lutheran Church facebook page:

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Lindgren Family - First Lutheran Church, St. Paul Minnesota - page 1

The following pictures are from the First Lutheran Church facebook page:

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Lindgren Family - Robert James Lindgren - page 1

Used by permission from Robert James Lindgren Jr.

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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Clarke Family - Joseph Lane Clarke page 1

This is the only picture that I have found of Joseph Lane Clark. I have examined the picture in the right lower corner and cannot discern an "e" at the end of the name Clark

I do not know if this is one of two pictures taken the same day - possibly for his marriage to Mary Elizabeth Cornthwaite or not.

I was able to take this picture at the Lindgren Family Reunion in Santa Ana California on January 24th 2020. It is from the red velvet photo album that was brought to the reunion by Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford. Thank you for sharing!

I believe that Helen Louise Clarke Lindgren wrote the name at the bottom of the picture. It is probable that she went through the picture album and wrote in the names after talking with here mother, Anne Lillian Schaffer Clark Meredith.

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Clarke Family - Daniel Wilson Clarke page 1

I believe this newspaper clipping is from Trenton, Butler County, Ohio. It describes the Golden Wedding anniversary of John Goode and Elizabeth Sherer Good.

This clipping was given to me by Helen "Pat" Clarke Lindgren or her daughter Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford:

GOLDEN WEDDING.- Wednesday was the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of John and Elizabeth Good, who live near Trenton. It was appropriately celebrated by the children and friends of the family, who, without the knowledge of the aged couple, made extensive preparations for the event. A grand dinner was the most important auxiliary connected with the affair, to which about seventy-five persons did ample justice. J. G. Long sent as a gift a beautiful card-case, Mrs. H. C. Johns a gold napkin ring besides many other presents from members of the family. Master Daniel Wilson Clark, aged five years, a great-grandson of the aged couple, added to the enjoyment of the occasion by making the following speech: "Ladies and gentlemen, I now appear before you this afternoon. I'm not very large, but my age is five years. I will present to my great-grandpa and grandma a gold dollar, as I am the only great-grandchild. My name is Daniel Wilson Clark." His little speech was heartily received by the guests. In the evening the Seven-mile Gornet Band, by special invitation, gave some of their delightful music, and were all made happy by a bountiful supper.

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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Johansdotter Johnson - Kristina Johansdotter Johnson - page 10

This is Brian with his Grandmother Christine Lindgren, circa late 1946 or early 1947. You can see that they were near Orange Groves even then!
"Oopsie!" was her exclamation. She made delicious rice pudding everytime us  kids showed up."

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Sherer Family - Mary M. Sherer - page 1

I found this marriage record for John Good and Elizabeth Sherer in, on 25 July 2020. The record resides in Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013, Preble [county], Marriage records 1808-1842 vol. A. The Image number is 93 of 207. There couple are the 5th entry on the page. It reads:

Date: 29th January 1829. Whom Married: John Good & Elizabeth Sherer. By whom: Henry [Kersee] [M.G.] [Minister Gospel].

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Johansdotter Johnson - Kristina Johansdotter Johnson - page 1

This is Kristina Johansdotter Johnson birth record from Sweden. I found this in in the Fodelsebok for Dädesjö, Kronoberg, Sweden.

She was the 15[th] child born in Dädesjö in the year 1873. Kristina was the only child born of this pregnancy.

She was born in 25 May [Maj] 1873 in the town of Dädesjö Kronoberg [county] Sweden.  

Her mother was Marta Nilsdotter. Marta was 38 years old when Kristina was born.

Her father was Jonas Peter Gustafson. He was 44 years old when Kristina was born. Jonas Peter father was a "torpare" or Crofter [farmer] [See Google translate; Swedish to English.]

The family lived in Källeskruv unde Ramåmsa Dädesjö, Kronoberg, Sweden.

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Schonborg Family - Introduction - page 1

Front Row - Marguerita Edla Schonborg, Margaret Jean Lindgren, Alma Eleonara Naemi Larsson Schonborg, Karl Otto Anshelm Schonborg, Robert James Lindgren, Gertrude Gurly Naomi Schonborg Lindgren

Back Row - Robert James Lindgren, Joan Roberta Lindgren, Walter  O. Schonborg, Palmetta Schonborg.

Schonborg Family Tree [Ancestry]

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Schonborg Family - Harold C. Schonborg - page 7

Go to this website for for more posting about Harold.

Go to this website to see what Cousin Bob posted:

Go to : for viewing the larger entry immediately below:

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Schonborg Family - Harold C. Schonborg - page 6

Plaque at the entrance of the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific:

From the Bivouac of the Dead 
By Theodore O'Hara

The muffled drum's sad roll has beat
   The soldier's last tattoo:
No more on life's parade shall meet
   That brave and fallen few.
On Fame's eternal camping-ground
   Their silent tents are spread,
And Glory guards, with solemn round,
   The bivouac of the dead.

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Schonborg Family - Harold C. Schonborg - page 5

This is the inscription of Harold C. Schonborg in Honolulu Hawaii at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. This was found at FindaGrave on 30 November 2019. Entered by David Blewster Knight.

You may view the memorial at:

Pictures of "National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific" may be found at:!1s0x7c006c41b646ec63%3A0x914b9cd5ad70b680!3m1!7e115!!5spunchbowl%20cemetery%20honolulu%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipOdmF0EdGBBbJNW3ZhzoSrXQbpWnKhQ3gqQRC1s&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiB9oCl-ZLmAhXPJzQIHa6HDKAQoiowHXoECBMQBg

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Schonborg Family - Harold C. Schonborg - page 4



Louis E. Denfeld [signature]
Vice Admiral, United States Navy
Chief of Naval Personnel

James Forrestall [signature]
The Secretary of the Navy

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Schonborg Family - Harold C. Schonborg - page 3

 In replly address not the signer of this letter, but Bureau of Naval Personnel, Navy Department, Washing, D.C.
Refer to No.
MM/382 09 32


 27 JUN 1946

Mr. Carl Otto Anshelm Schonborg
4780 Sepulveda Blvd.
Culver City, California

Dear Mr. Schonborg:

The Bureau has the honor to inform you of the Award of the Purple Heart and certificate to your late son, Harold Carl Schonborg,

Radioman Third Class, United States Navy, in accordance with General Order 186 of January 21, 1943 which reads in part as follows:

        "The Secretary of the Navy is further authorized and directed to award the Purple Heart posthumously, in the name of the President of the United States, to any persons who, while serving in any capacity with the Navy, Marine Corps or Coast Guard of the United States, since December 6, 1941, are killed in action or who die as a direct result of wounds received in action with an enemy of the United States, or as a result of an act of such enemy."

The medal is being forwarded undeer separate cover. Please acknowledge receipt on the enclosed form.

By direction of Chief of Naval Personnel.

                                Sincerely yours,
                                Joe H. Floyd [signature]
                                JOE H. FLOYD
                                Lt.Cmdf, USNR
                                Officer in Charge
                                Medals and Awards Section
                                Enlisted Perforance Division

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Schonborg Family - Harold C. Schonborg - page 2

Former Venice Sports Star Loses Life

  Notice of the death of Harold Schonberg, S'38, was recently received by his parents from the U.S. Navy. Harold was reported lost after a United States attack on the Marshall and Gilbert Islands.
  While at Venice Harold was active in all sports, excelling in football. He received a scholarship from Loyola University, which he attended one year and in March, 1939, enlisted in the Navy. He was called to duty in April of the same year, becoming a radio man 1st class on a U.S. Aircraft Carrier.
  Late in 1940 he learned to fly at Pearl Harber and became a pilot. Transferred to the Atlantic Coast, Harold became a squad leader with two pilots under him, and flew Navy dive bombers and torpedo planes. 
  The Venice boy traveled in the Pacific Ocean to New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands and in the Atlantic Ocean from Norfolk, Virginia, to the New York Navy Yard. He also traveled to foreign lands, including Greenland, Iceland and England, and had many hazardous experiences with Naz[v]y U-boats and ships. At the outbreak of the war with Japan, Harold's ship sailed for Pacific waters and on New Year's Day he saw his family for the last time.
   The Oarsman sports staff salutes the boy who was not only a hero of the gridiron but also a hero in Americ's fight for democracy. Deepest sympathy is extended to members of his family.

The War Department Files

National Archives & Records Administration
Navy Department Files

Radioman 3c Harold Carl Schonborg

Branch of Service: U.S. Navy
Hometown: Culver City, CCA
Status: KIA

World War II
Missing in Actioin or Buried at Sea

ID:    03820932
Entered the Service From:  California
Rank: Radioman, Third Class

Servcie: U.S.Navy, United States Navy
Died:  Monday, November 26, 1945
Memorialized at: Honolulu Memorial
Location: Honolulu, HI, USA

Awards: Purple Heart

Believed to be Harold Schonborg - 1941
Four significan efforts were mounted during February and March 1942, porviding three TBD squadrons with "warm-up" experience for greater things. On 1 February the Enterprise task force struck the Marshall Islands while Yorktown's group attacked the Gilberts. The "Big E" kicked off with a predawn launch against Kwajalein Atoll - 37 SBDs and nine TBDs, which bombed a light cruiser and a submarine. Lt Cdr Lindsey's aircraft released 54 500-lb general-purpose bombs with marginal results.

    A false Alarm of two carriers in the lagoon prompted the launch of nine more TBDs under the command of VT-6 executive officer Lt Cdr Lance Massey in the US Navy's first aerial torpedo attack. Finding no carriers, the 'torpeckers' were lucky, with only thre aeroplanes damaged, but the "Big E's" report stated prophetically:
    'Fighter protection for VT is mandatory. Fortunately, in this action VT-6 encountered no air opposition, but it is certain that their mission [next page]would not have been accomplished had they been intercepted by enemy fighters which were in the near vicinity."
    Yorktown's avaitors also fared poorly this day (Actually 31 January across the International Date Line). In marginal weather they lost six of the 28 first strike aircraft, four of those belonging to Torped Five, which apparently fell victim to the weather conditions. Lt H T Johnson, the squadron's executive officer flying No 7 (BuNo3298), and Ens H R Heim in No 6 (1516), ditched out of fuel.
    With their crewmen they madee their way to tiny Gebu Island, where they were accepted by friendly Micronesians. However, two days later the Jamapese found the Americans, who spent the rest of the war in captivity. Two more Torpedo Five aerolplanes apparently collided in heavy cloud as Lt Jack C Moore's No 8 (0352) aborted when Lt(jg) R Denniston was unable to retract his landing gear.
    Only two enemy ships were damaged in return for these losses.
    Three weeks later, on 24 February, Enterprise hit Wake Island with minimal results. Nine TBDs dropped 108 100-lb bombs from 12,000 ft as VT-6 attacked oil tanks and a moored seaplane, but overall damage was limited. then on 4 March, the "Big E' attacked Marcus Island, without launcghing VT-6, and without substantive damage to either side.
    Torpedo Six lost an aircraft on 18 February when Lt(jg) John T Eversole became disoriented in high winds and made a water landing about 60 miles from the task force. Happily, the crew of 'Tare 18' was rescued by a destroyer the next day and returned to Enterprise. Additionally, VT-3 lost a Devastator on the 22nd, a reminder that naval aviatioin posed more hazards than enemy aircraft or AA guns.
    Upon Enterprise's return to Peaerl Harbor, VT-6's executive officer was reassigned. Lt Cdr lance E Massey assumed command of Saratoga's Torpedo Three, relieving Lt Cdr J E Clark. Massey inherited Clark's well-conceived doctrine of torpedo attack, and decided to keep the previous CO's tactics, which would be tested in less than 90 days.

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Schonborg Family - Harold C. Schonborg - page 1

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Page 20

Death Record of Carl Wilhelm Lindgren obtained from Vital Records California Department of Public Health, Office of The State Registrar of Vital Statistics. Obtained October 29 1984.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - page 17 - 1920 Lindgren Family Census

This is the 1920 Lindgren Family census. I divided the census in half as the Carl Wilhelm Lindgren family was listed at the bottom of the census.
This census reads:

This is the 1920 census for the Lindgren Family. They live in Los Angeles Township, Los Angeles County, California. It was conducted on the 10th day of January 1920, by Francis A Brode.

The family lives in Supervisor's District No. 8, Enumeration District No 186, Precinct 443. This is Sheet No. 12 A.

The enumeration starts on line 44. The address of the house is 113[1].The Lindgren's are the 37[th] house, and the 40[th] family visited.

Line 44 -Lindgren Carl W is the head of the household. The family rents the house. Carl is a white male who is 47 and married. Carl immigrated in 1888, and is a naturalized citizen in 1893. He has not attended school. He speaks and writes English. Both he and his parents were born in Sweden. He is a cutter in a Tailor  Shop. He is an employed worker.

Line 45 - Christine is Carl's wife. She is a white, married, 44 year old female. She does not attend school. She speaks and writes English. Both she and her parents were born in Sweden. She does not work out of the house.

Line 46 - Harry M is Carl's son. He is a 20 year old white male who is single. He has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Harry was born in California. Both of his parents were born in Sweden. He is employed as a Radio Op[erator] on a [?] vessel.

Line 47 - Linea  is Carl's daughter. She is a 19 year old white female who is single. She has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Linea was born in California. Both of her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed.

Line 48 - Nina J. is Carl's daughter. She is a 17 year old white female who is single. She has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Nina was born in California. Both of her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed.

Line 49 - Carl H. is Carl's son. She is a 16 year old white male who is single. He has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Carl was born in California. Both of his parents were born in Sweden. He is not employed.

Line 50 - Florie C. is Carl's daughter. She is a 13 year old white female who is single. She has gone to school in the last year and can read and write English. Florie was born in California. Both of her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - page 15 - 1910 Lindgren Family Census

This is the first US Census after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

As you can see in the title bar, this census was taken in Brooklyn Township, Oakland, Alameda County California. The family's apartment building was probably totaled in the earthquake.

Family legend has it that Carl worked for the Oakland Opera at this time. The census was enumerated on the 18 day of April 1910, by J. E. Foster.

The family was in Enumeration district 146, part of the 7th Ward. and are listed on Sheet No. 5B.  They were counted at 1523 22 Ave, and appear on line 75.

This census reads as follows:

Line 75 - Lindgren C. W. Carl Wihelm is the white male, 37 year old married head of the household. He has been married for 12 years. Both he and his parents were born in Sweden. He is a naturalized citizen of the United States. He can read and write [English]. He works in a Tailor shop. He has not been unemployed in the last 12 months. He rents a house.

Line 74 - Christine is a white female who is married to Carl. She is 36 years old. She has been pregnant 5 times and has delivered 5 children. Both she and her parents were born in Sweden. She immigrated to the US in 1891. She speaks English. She is not employed out of the home. She can read and write.

Line 77 - Harry M. is Carl's son. He is a white 11 year old single male. He was born in California. His parents were born in Sweden. He can speak English and is not employed. He can read and write, and attends school.

Line 78 - Linea is Carl's daughter. She is a 9 year old white female. She was born in California. Her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed. She can read and write, and attends school.

Line 79 - Nina is Carl's daughter. She is a 7 year old white female. She was born in California. Her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed. She can read and write, and attends school.

Line 80 -  Carl is Carl's son. He is a white 6 year old single male. He was born in California. His parents were born in Sweden. He can speak English and is not employed. He can read and write, and attends school.

Line 81 - Florence [Florie] is Carl's daughter. She is a 4 year old white female. She was born in California. Her parents were born in Sweden. She is not employed, nor does she attend school. 

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - page 14 - 1900 Lindgren Family Census

This is the 1900 United States Census for San Francisco, San Francisco County, California. 

The yellow and green areas highlight the members of the Carl W. Lindgren family.

The census was enumerated for this page was on the 4th day of June 1900.

The Lindgrens were living in an apartment at 1118 Vallejo Street. There was another Swedish family by the name of Carlson living there as well. 

The Lindgrens were the 79th family visited by the enumerator on June 4th 1900.

Carl W. Lindgren is listed as the head of the household, a white male, who was born in May of 1872. He is 28 years old, and has been married once. He and his parents were born in Sweden. He immigrated in 1889, has lived in the United States for 9 years, and is a naturalized citizen. He can read, write, and speak English. He has been continuously employed in the last year. He rents where he lives, and it is his home.

Christina, his wife, lives with him. She is a white female who was born in May 1873. She is 27 years old and has been married once. She has been pregnant once and that child is living. Christina and her parents were all born in Sweden. She immigrated in 1891 and has lived in the United States for 9 years. She can read, write, and speak English.     

Harry M. is Carl's son. He is a white male who was born in Jan 1899. He is a single 1 year old. He was born in California, and his parents [Carl and Christina] were born in Sweden. 

Minnie is the sister of Carl. She is a white female and was born in Oct 1877. She is 22 years old and single. She and her parents were both born in Sweden. She immigrated in 1897 and has been in  the United States for 3 years. She can read, write, and speak English.

Edia is Carl's sister. She is 20 years old and single. She and her parents were both born in Sweden. She immigrated in 1899 and has been in the United States for 0 years. She can read, write, and speak English.

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Lindgren Family - Carl Wilhelm Lindgren - Lindgren Johansdotter Marriage License - page 13

Thank you Cousin Bob [Robert James Lindgren] for sharing this wedding celebration picture of Carl Wilhelm Lindgren and Kristina Johannsdotter Lindgren.
This is the marriage License and Certificate for Carl W. Lindgren and Christine Johnson in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Below is the transcription:

[page] 83


State of Minnesota,
District Court for the County of Ramsey.

To Any Person Lawfully Authorized to Solemnize marriages within said State:

     Know Ye, That License is hereby granted to join together as HUSBAND and WIFE Carl W. Lindgren of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota and Christine Johnson of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, being satisfied by the oath of said Lindgren that there is no legal impediment thereto.
     Therefore, This shall be your sufficient authority for solemnizing the marriage of said parties, and making return thereof as provided by law.
     In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the District Court, at St. Paul, this 4th day of August 1898
     Edward G. Rgers Clerk.
          By Harry A. Sundberg Deputy Clerk.
State of Minnesota
     I Hereby Certify That on the 4 day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety - eight, at St Paul, Minn in said County, I, the undersigned, a Clergyman, did join in the HOLY BONDS OF MATRIMONY, according to the laws of this State, Carl W. Lindgren of the County of Ramsey and State of Minn and Christine Johnson of the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota in presence of

Aug Lindgren} Witnesses
Anna Lindgren}                 L. A. Johnston

Filed for record on the 8th day of August 1898
On one of our Family History Tours, Brian and I drove to downtown St. Paul. We went to the county building and retrieved this copy.

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