Friday, September 8, 2023

Clark Family - SAR admission record.


Right page: My ancestors JOHN and WILLIAM CLARK - both - rendered service in the Continental forces in the War of the Revolution. The references to the services of  JOHN CLARK, in addition to those show elsewhere, can also be found in the pay rolls on file in the War Department, at Washington, i.e.,1st Va. Regt., W.D. 14
State Regt.W.D.21, 1;W.D.22, 2; etc.
He served in the ranks, but on several occasions furnished supplies to the Continental forces, as shown by the Orange County Court records, visit: to Gen. Wayne's Brigade: to Gen. Peter Muhlenburg's Brigade, to Capt. John Cruikshank's company; to Capt. Davenport's Dragoons, and to Lieut. Harmmon's Penna.Regt, on the way to join the camp of Ge.Wayne.
The WM. CLARK mentioned in the papers of applicant, according to Scott's History p.76-appears to have acted as a courier for the Continental forces.

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