Saturday, December 30, 2023

Lindgren Family - Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford - Eggnog Recipe

 This recipe was sent to me by Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford for Christmas 2023. This recipe readsd as:

Dad's Egg Nog

12 eggs - seperate whites & yolks
Mix 1# superfine granulated sugar
with egg yolk & Beat, Add juice of
Marichino cherries for color & mix in
Beat Egg whites to firmness
Add 1-2 Tbls. btter to jigger rum
& hot water per drink
Mix & add dash of egg white to top off the drink.

Slice marachino cherries & top with
1/2 cherry per drink & sprinkle a dash
of nutmeg on top

12/25/08 Made 12 of this recipe for the 1st time per Duane's instructions. Brent, Linda, John & I toasted my dad (Carl Herbert Lindgren and [Duane].

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Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - online obituary

It is with great sorrow that we must announce the passing of our husband, father, brother and friend, Brian Carl Lindgren.

Brian was born 11 February 1946 at the St. Francis' Hospital, in Lynwood California.

His parents were Carl and Helen [Clarke] Lindgren. He joined his older brother Duane Clarke, Anne Christine, and  later, Karen Louise.

A certificate of achievement in Wood Shop.......didn't see what he did to receive this.

Brian was a student through 12th grade in Anaheim California. He graduated from Magnolia High School He then attended Fullerton College for a year. 


Shortly after Brian's first year at Fullerton JC, he joined the Coast Guard. He served at Alameda, Company Charlie 50, Government Island, California.

After joining the Coast Guard, Brian was sent for basic training on Alameda Island in San Francisco Bay. Their company trained as the Marine Corp did.

Groton Connecticut, Electronic technician school graduation photo

Brian is in the lower row, fifth from right. His seaman's stripes show up on his left arm.

Brian is in the bottom row at the far right.

This is a picture of Electronic Technician class A, Groton Conneticut.

Brian C. Lindgren
ETA 24-11-66
Nov. 14 1966

His next post was to be Talampulan, Phillippines [American spelling per Google]; 

Gloucester City, New Jersey; 

Talampulan, Phillippines [American spelling per Google]; 

and finally San Clemente California.

It took 21 hours for Brian to leave the US West Coast, to arrive  at the 1 mile by 3 mile island which was to be his home for the next year.

The station was "manned" by 3 dozen Coasties, and 2 - 3 officers.

Brian would snorkle on the reef, meet the natives, and of course keep the station functioning. This station was responsible for providing an accurate location to assist with military vessels on their way to and from, Viet Nam and the United States.

After the Phillippines, Brian was stationed in New Jersey.

His final station was San Clemente. At that time it was were the "Western White House" was located. President Nixon had a golf cart that he drove about the Western White house and across the Coast Guard Station. He also had a white poodle that barked "alot".

The Coast Station had their own dog - a German Shepard.

One day when the Guardsmen were out and Nixon was driving his golf cart, with poodle to guard him, he crossed in front of the Station. 

The poodle, seeing a strange dog amidst the "Coasties" started barking at the German Shepard. Of course the Shepard took off after the poodle, with the Coasties running after the golf cart. Brian never said how this incident turned out.

where he discovered he loved flying. He achieved his pilot's license at Fullerton Airport.

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Friday, September 8, 2023

Shaffer Family - Peter Shaffer - biography

This was found at on 3 August 2023. I believe that Peter was the father of George Washington Schaffer who was born in or about 1827 in Pennsylvania. the web page is:

This page reads as:

Peter S., the Second son of Charles and Maria Scharlotte Bastress Shaffer, was born April 11 1799 in Pennsylvania, married Sarah black of near Pittsburgh, Pa., September 4, 1821 at Greensburg Westmoreland County, Pa. Sarah was born June 16, 1806, the daughter of George and Elizabeth Black of Hempfield Twp., (now Allegheny County) Pa. After their marriage Sarah and Peter Lived in Augusta Twp., Northumberland County, Pa., where Peter worked at mining coal and raising vegetables. What prompted them to move to Ohio I do not know. In the spring of 1832, Peter with his wife Sarah and children,, Sarah's parents, the George Black family, came west & settled in what is now known as Green Twp., Ashland County, Ohio. Peter bagan buying a few acres at a time from different landowners until he had a farm about a quarter of a mile west of McKay, Sec. 11, Tp 20, R 16, Ashland County, Ohio.He later sold this property and bought 110 acres in Sec. 2, Tp 20, R 16, just north of his former farm. Peter lived here the rest of his life. An old log church stood across the road from the SW corner of his land, on the S. M. Black farm The old fire and brimstone evangelistic meetings were being held nightly for a couple of weeks. One of Peter's sons, Wesley attended. As the meeting wore on Wesley really becam enthused, going home and telling his parents all about them. Peter and family started attending them and became faithful church members. Services were held often in their home until a new church could be built. The Evangelical Association wanted ground for a new church and graveyard. Peter sold an acre to them, September 29, 1863, (Deed. Vol. 28, page 72.) the south west corner of his farm, across from the old log church. A nice frame church was built. In later years attendence dwindled and church services were no longer held. The Bathesda Chapel was sold, and dismanteled.

The eleven children of Peter S. and his first wife, Sarah Black Shafer:

    1. Jon Shafer, born December 30, 1821.    
    2. Samuel Shafer, born January 1, 1824.
    3. Eliza Jane Shafer, born April 28, 1826.
    4. George Shafer, born in 1827
    5. Charles M. Shafer, born April 9, 1828.
    6. Sarah Jane Shafer, born march 7, 1831.
    7. Daniel Martin Shafer, born February 10, 1833.
    8. Susanah A. Shafer, born March 25, 1835.
    9. Charlotta Shafer, born March 13, 1837.
  10. Peter S. Shafer, 11, born January 20. 1839.
   11. William Ira Shafer, born November 18, 1840.

                    "The past was made for remembering,

                     The future is made for living. 


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Clark Family - SAR admission record.


Right page: My ancestors JOHN and WILLIAM CLARK - both - rendered service in the Continental forces in the War of the Revolution. The references to the services of  JOHN CLARK, in addition to those show elsewhere, can also be found in the pay rolls on file in the War Department, at Washington, i.e.,1st Va. Regt., W.D. 14
State Regt.W.D.21, 1;W.D.22, 2; etc.
He served in the ranks, but on several occasions furnished supplies to the Continental forces, as shown by the Orange County Court records, visit: to Gen. Wayne's Brigade: to Gen. Peter Muhlenburg's Brigade, to Capt. John Cruikshank's company; to Capt. Davenport's Dragoons, and to Lieut. Harmmon's Penna.Regt, on the way to join the camp of Ge.Wayne.
The WM. CLARK mentioned in the papers of applicant, according to Scott's History p.76-appears to have acted as a courier for the Continental forces.

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Lindgren Family - Brian growing up

I asked Anne - his older sister - what she might remember from the time that Brian came home from the hospital. These are some of the things she remembered.\:

 was in a crib next to my parents bed.

My bedroom was close to my parents. The free standing wardrobe provided some privacy.

just being a baby. wasn't in a separate room - we were all together.

It was a good time.

"You're the sister who took care of my feelings when I was a little boy". 11:05 From Brian to Anne.

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Thursday, July 13, 2023

Price family - Price, Sally - Marriage

This document was found on on 13 July 2023. It was found in  "Ohio, US, County marriage records, 1774-1983 at The marriage occurred in Preble County, Ohio (1808-1867). It is image 15 of 511. This document reads as:

Lower Price

These are to certify the within marriage Joseph Lower and Sally Price was lawfully Joined together in Marriage by me Wm Leas JP. Given from under my hand this 23rd day of December 1811.

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Lower Family - Joseph Lower - Marriage

 This document was found on on 13 July 2023. It was found in  "Ohio, US, County marriage records, 1774-1983 at The marriage occurred in Preble County, Ohio (1808-1867). It is image 15 of 511. This document reads as:

Lower Price

These are to certify the within marriage Joseph Lower and sally Price was lawfully Joined together in Marriage by me Wm Leas JP. Given from under my hand this 23rd day of December 1811.

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Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Clarke Family - Clark Culpeper Tax Records

I found the tax records in November 2021. These are all from, Film # 007849102. The Clarks were found on pages 22, 40, 42, 46, 50 of 905 images.

This image is from the Culpeper, Virginia, US Personal Property Tax Records. I believe these are tax records for the year 1782.]

Persons Names:
Joseph Clark of (Orange). This image documents the No. of white [?], no of Slaves, Horses, Cattle, Wheels [?] and the Tax 
levied for each group.

[I cannot read the first column.]

Slaves - 4    Tax 2
Horses - 1    Tax 3
Cattle - 6     Tax 6

This tax record states this inventory of  persons and animals are listed in "Reuben Clark. Will. Bosel. Inde. Lewis Trustor." There is no data entered.

This is image 46 of 905.

This tax record states this inventory of  persons and animals, with owners listed as: Daniel, Wm, George, Robert, Tom.

 [?] - 4 W. [?]
Slaves - 1
Horses - 6
Cattle - 15

Wheels [?]


Slaves - 3
Horses - 5

Cattle - 9

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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Cornthwaite Family - Cornthwaite, Robert - 1910 census

This census was re-found  9 February 2023, at:

The residence is listed on the US Federal Census, 1910, Indiana, Wayne, Milton Ward 1, ED 180.

On line 6 is Robert Cornthwait, who is the head of the household. He is a white male, who is 79 years old. He has been married twice, this time for 15 years.. He was born in Ohio and speaks English. His father was born in Pennsylvania and spoke English. His mother was born in Ohio and spoke English. Both parents spoke English.

Robert's trade/profession, work done Robert is "own income".  Robert can read and write.

He owns his own home which is free of mortgage .

Robert lives with his second wife Sarah. This is Sarah's first marriage. She is 61 years of age. She has no children. Sarah was born in Ohio and speaks English. Both of her parents were born in Pennsylvania and both spoke English. Sara can read and write English.

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Cornthwaite Family - Cornwaite, Francis - Marriage Record

This Record was found at:

The above link should take you to Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016 vol 1, Image 67 of 189.

This record reads as:
Record of Marriages        page 131


Go to the entry "21". This entry contains 4 marriage entries. Go to 3rd and 4th entries:

Married on the 13th day of April 1820 by the Reverend Stephen Gard ~ Robert Lytle to Catharine Wilson.

Married on the 20th day of April 1820 by the Reverend Stephen Gard ~ Frances Cornthwaite to  Mary Corgell.

Please understand that these County Marriages were recorded at the county seat by a clerk.

Also realize that both of these women died early in their marriages, as both Robert and Francis remarried.

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Lytle Family - Robert Lytle Marriage

This Record was found at:
The above link should take you to Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016 vol 1, Image 67 of 189.

This record reads as:
Record of Marriages        page 131


Go to the entry "21". This entry contains 4 marriage entries. Go to 3rd and 4th entries:

Married on the 13th day of April 1820 by the Reverend Stephen Gard ~ Robert Lytle to Catharine Wilson.

Married on the 20th day of April 1820 by the Reverend Stephen Gard ~  Frances Cornthwaite to  Mary Corgell.

Please understand that these County Marriages were recorded at the county seat by a clerk.

Also realize that both of these women died early in their marriages, as both Robert and Francis remarried.

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