Dad's Egg Nog
Mix 1# superfine granulated sugar
Dad's Egg Nog
It is with great sorrow that we must announce the passing of our husband, father, brother and friend, Brian Carl Lindgren.
Brian was born 11 February 1946 at the St. Francis' Hospital, in Lynwood California.
His parents were Carl and Helen [Clarke] Lindgren. He joined his older brother Duane Clarke, Anne Christine, and later, Karen Louise.
A certificate of achievement in Wood Shop.......didn't see what he did to receive this.Brian was a student through 12th grade in Anaheim California. He graduated from Magnolia High School He then attended Fullerton College for a year.
Shortly after Brian's first year at Fullerton JC, he joined the Coast Guard. He served at Alameda, Company Charlie 50, Government Island, California.
After joining the Coast Guard, Brian was sent for basic training on Alameda Island in San Francisco Bay. Their company trained as the Marine Corp did.
Groton Connecticut, Electronic technician school graduation photo
Brian is in the lower row, fifth from right. His seaman's stripes show up on his left arm.This is a picture of Electronic Technician class A, Groton Conneticut.
His next post was to be Talampulan, Phillippines [American spelling per Google];
Gloucester City, New Jersey;
Talampulan, Phillippines [American spelling per Google];
and finally San Clemente California.
It took 21 hours for Brian to leave the US West Coast, to arrive at the 1 mile by 3 mile island which was to be his home for the next year.
The station was "manned" by 3 dozen Coasties, and 2 - 3 officers.
Brian would snorkle on the reef, meet the natives, and of course keep the station functioning. This station was responsible for providing an accurate location to assist with military vessels on their way to and from, Viet Nam and the United States.
After the Phillippines, Brian was stationed in New Jersey.
His final station was San Clemente. At that time it was were the "Western White House" was located. President Nixon had a golf cart that he drove about the Western White house and across the Coast Guard Station. He also had a white poodle that barked "alot".
The Coast Station had their own dog - a German Shepard.
One day when the Guardsmen were out and Nixon was driving his golf cart, with poodle to guard him, he crossed in front of the Station.
The poodle, seeing a strange dog amidst the "Coasties" started barking at the German Shepard. Of course the Shepard took off after the poodle, with the Coasties running after the golf cart. Brian never said how this incident turned out.
This page reads as:
Peter S., the Second son of Charles and Maria Scharlotte Bastress Shaffer, was born April 11 1799 in Pennsylvania, married Sarah black of near Pittsburgh, Pa., September 4, 1821 at Greensburg Westmoreland County, Pa. Sarah was born June 16, 1806, the daughter of George and Elizabeth Black of Hempfield Twp., (now Allegheny County) Pa. After their marriage Sarah and Peter Lived in Augusta Twp., Northumberland County, Pa., where Peter worked at mining coal and raising vegetables. What prompted them to move to Ohio I do not know. In the spring of 1832, Peter with his wife Sarah and children,, Sarah's parents, the George Black family, came west & settled in what is now known as Green Twp., Ashland County, Ohio. Peter bagan buying a few acres at a time from different landowners until he had a farm about a quarter of a mile west of McKay, Sec. 11, Tp 20, R 16, Ashland County, Ohio.He later sold this property and bought 110 acres in Sec. 2, Tp 20, R 16, just north of his former farm. Peter lived here the rest of his life. An old log church stood across the road from the SW corner of his land, on the S. M. Black farm The old fire and brimstone evangelistic meetings were being held nightly for a couple of weeks. One of Peter's sons, Wesley attended. As the meeting wore on Wesley really becam enthused, going home and telling his parents all about them. Peter and family started attending them and became faithful church members. Services were held often in their home until a new church could be built. The Evangelical Association wanted ground for a new church and graveyard. Peter sold an acre to them, September 29, 1863, (Deed. Vol. 28, page 72.) the south west corner of his farm, across from the old log church. A nice frame church was built. In later years attendence dwindled and church services were no longer held. The Bathesda Chapel was sold, and dismanteled.
The eleven children of Peter S. and his first wife, Sarah Black Shafer:
"The past was made for remembering,
The future is made for living.
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I asked Anne - his older sister - what she might remember from the time that Brian came home from the hospital. These are some of the things she remembered.\:
was in a crib next to my parents bed.
My bedroom was close to my parents. The free standing wardrobe provided some privacy.
just being a baby. wasn't in a separate room - we were all together.
It was a good time.
Lower Price
These are to certify the within marriage Joseph Lower and Sally Price was lawfully Joined together in Marriage by me Wm Leas JP. Given from under my hand this 23rd day of December 1811.
©All rights reserved by Pathways in Genealogy. 2018 - 2029. No part of this website/blog may be reproduced without the express written permission from the owner.
Lower Price
These are to certify the within marriage Joseph Lower and sally Price was lawfully Joined together in Marriage by me Wm Leas JP. Given from under my hand this 23rd day of December 1811.
©All rights reserved by Pathways in Genealogy. 2018 - 2029. No part of this website/blog may be reproduced without the express written permission from the owner.