Saturday, October 1, 2022

Lindgren Family - Letters from Carl and Pat - pages 1 & 2.

These scans were given to me by Cousin Robert James Lindgren in Arizona in approximately 2020. This letter reads as:

Dearest Folks
     This is the "thank you" letter you deserve for making Carl's flannels. He wore them last night to celebrate. And the new shirts are lovely. You remember how well he likes blue, don't you?
     We ate an early dinner and drove out Champagnolle (I like that name) into the forest primevil - or however you spell it. Everyday it was dense woods with only this winding red dirt road cutting between the thickets. Everything is very lush and green because of the seasonal rains.
     The negro houses were so very picturesque - old weathered houses, shingled and boards - sagging here and there, no glass in the windows, little [c]rude furniture, no lights except for the small wood fire they burn in [?] I suppose - on the floor anyway. Of course there are [any] number of  [Kirlean?] scattered over the so called yard and usually there is one crepe myrtle bush. The crepe myrtle, Arkansas state flower, is a vivid bush or tree of pink, crimson, or red blossoms. Its' the hyacinth for their souls, I think, in the [?] of their straw &
and chimneys and slovenly old houses.
     I'm in deep sorrow tonight and being mean to Carlie for no reason at all, so I'm going to leave this week and keep him company as he cleans up [?]. Then we're going out to a big fish dinner at Raymond & Georgine Alley's. They went to Galveston last week and brought back a lot of shrimp & fish. This is the best of it all. There will be 14 at dinner so it should be fine.
The next morning
     Carl is working 12pm to 8am these next 6 weeks so he is sound asleep now. If you will forgive me I am going to mail this without his [?] for I want to get the house cleaned up.
    The Powell's arrived about 11 hours ago. We kept them 2 days before they [rented a house only 1 3/4 blocks away] so we are all close we're together. Pearl [?]

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