Sunday, September 25, 2022

Davison Family - Brent Davison - People Magazine

This issue of people magazine was published on Aril 20, 1998. On page 87 was a story about a minister who tried to set up a murder in Florida. On page 88 is a picture of one of our family members - Sgt. Brent Davison.

The article reads:

Unholy Orders
Hounded by the angry minister whose wife was his lover, a popular TV evangelist tries to set up his murder,

The atmosphere was as charged as church that sweltering afternoon as Florida TV evangelist George Crossley huddled with his friend William Klinger, but the feeling was less than religious. As the pair stood outside a hangar at Orland Sanford Airport on July 2 1996, they were discussing how to handle Crossley's nemesis George "Butch" Waldo, whose behavior had become increasingly threatening. Wald, himself a nonpracticing minister, was incensed over the affair Crossley had had with his wife, Madeline, and held him responsible for the breakup of his marriage. Now Waldo was on a crusade to drive Crossley off the air. Just that morning he had called during Crossley's radio talk show. "Your host...has been sleeping with my wife," he blurted out. "I'm through dealing with this p---k," Crossley told Klinger. "I would be just thrilled to put a bullet right between his eyes."
     Fortunately for Waldo, the conversation wasn't as private as Crossley assumed. Klinger, an ex-con, had been alarmed by his friend's attempts over the previous weeks to enlist him in a plot to firebomb Waldo's home and was wearing microphones duct taped to each of his hips, courtesy of the Seminole County sheriff. Several hours later, Klinger introduced

[Insets: William Klinger turned Crossley. 
"Being betrayed by Klinger "was a total shock to Crossley," says  Sgt. Brent Davison. 
A hidden camera captured Crossley (left) discussing the planned hit with Klinger.]

Crossley to Steve Martin, the purported his man--actually an agent with the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. A wire and a hidden video camera captured the chilling 45-minute exchange that concluded with the minister giving Martin a 9mm semiautomatic pistol worth $650 as payment for the agreed-upon hit. "He was very matter of fact," says Seminole County Sheriff Donald Eslinger. "If you look at that videotape, you'd think the guy was a wise guy."

     But not a wise man. Arrested the day after the meetings-- "We wanted to give Crossley the opportunity to call Klinger and say, 'Wait a minute. This is all a big mistake,' " explains Sgt. Brent Davison of the sheriff's office--the preacher was sentenced in February to four years in prison. "We did sympathize with Mr. Crossley; the guy did harass him unmercifully," says Randy Darino, one of the six-member jury that rejected Crossley's defense that he had been entrapped and found him guilty of solicitation to commit murder. "But a normal person wouldn't resort to trying to hire a hit man."
     Then again, Crossley has never been ordinary. A hard-drinking union organizer and weekend drag racer who became a book-burning Right-to-Lifer following his self described "conversion" in 1975, the charismatic preacher, 57, has always defied easy stereotyping. Most recently, as a fire-and-brimstone fundamentalist, he was a s much a champion of civil rights as he was a staunch opponent of abortion. "The Bible clearly teaches us we're not to be bigots," he explains.
     Some critics, however, suspect him of cynicism. "He was a man I thought would sell his soul, so to speak, to be in front of a camera," says revival TV evangelist John Butler Book, 60, who counseled George Waldo for a year. Certainly Crossley, ordained a Southern Baptist minister in 1981, displayed a flair for the dramatic. In 1988, he led hundreds of tickets at Universal Studios' Orlando theme park to protest the release of martin Scorsese's The Last  Temptation of Christ. Yet even those he antagonized often found him disarming. "Consistently, undeniably likeable--despite  his wrongheaded views," according to Orland Sentinel columnist Greg Dawson, Crossley became a popular media presence in central Florida. "George was born with a silver tongue in his mouth," says his wife, Agnes, 70, whom he persuaded to marry him in 1966 despite her conviction that she was too old for him. "He  could talk the pennies off a dead man's eyes." 
     Crossley apparently had an equally potent effect on Madeline Waldo, now 51, a member of his Sunday school class at the Aloma Baptist Church in Winter Park, Fla. Both Crossley and Agnes blame the bespectacled blonde, a secretary and mother of four, for instigating the fateful affair. (Waldo, who admitted the relationship in an affidavit, has since declined comment.) "She     was having problems with her husband harassing her, so she'd go to George

[Inset quote: "It hasn't shaken my faith in God at all," says Crossley's wife, Agnes, of her ordeal. "God's going to take care of it."]
and cry," says Agnes of Madeline, who in 1992 called police after her husband threatened to kill her. "George is a sucker for crying women."
     Although Crossley maintains the affair didn't happen until early 1994, George Waldo believe otherwise. In October 1993, the distraught man--who  says he had started suffering from depression two years earlier after being disabled while working as a hospital orderly--confronted Crossley. "I pleaded with him to quit seeing her," says Waldo, 54, who wrote two notes threatening Crossley. "He told me no one was going to tell him who he is or isn't going to see." Crossley gave the notes, which read in part, "One more conversation ...One more like...I'll kill you...You're a sorry creep," to the sheriff. Although Waldo claimed he was only trying to scare Crossley, he eventually pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor and was put on six months' probation.
But far from chastening, Waldo, this incident only seemed to inflame him, even other his divorce from Madeline in June 1995 and the end of her affair with Crossley. Despite efforts by church leaders to mediate   after Crossley confessed his sins to them and to Agnes later that year, Waldo  began peppering Crossley's advertisers and management at the stations that carried his programs with demand for his removal. In May 1996 he also phone Agnes, and her husband exploded. "Agnes had no responsibility for what took place, says Crossley. "I was going  to beat the fire out of him.'
     Instead, Crossley began talking firebombing with Klinger, whom he had met in the late '80s when both worked for a Christian radio station in Orlando. "His personality just entraps you," says Klinger, 29, who maintains he still has "the highest regard for him in my heart." Klinger says he humored Crossley for weeks in hopes that he would calm down but ultimately concluded that "if I didn't go to the police, he was going to kill George Wald."
     The jury agreed. Before sentencing, Crossley begged Judge Seymour Benson for mercy, noting that Agnes was suffering from serious heart problems. But Assistant State Attorney Michele Mahaffey argued for the maximum 8 1/2 years: "I find it very interesting that a man of God ... has not acknowledged any wrongdoing on his part."
   These days Crossley prays for the success of his appeal while dealing with the reality of life at Sanford's John E. Polk Correctional Facility. Although he is allowed only two showers and two outdoor exercise breaks a week, Crossley philosophically describes his current quarters as "a great place to witness for Christ." And just maybe, Crossley suggest, his trials might be among those mysterious ways in which the Lord works. After he gets out, Crossley predicts, the media coverage of his troubles will "cause me to have a million times the audience I had before."

Pam Lambert
Fannie Weinstein in Orlando

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Sunday, September 18, 2022

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - SLC 3 memorabilia - Page 2 - Patches

These are a few of the patches and stickers that I have found going through Brian's desk. This sticker has the following inscription on the reverse:


     The earth observing System (EOS) managed by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, Maryland, is the centerpiece of Mission to Planet Earth, a long-term coordinated research effort to study the Earth as a global system. EOS AM-1, the first at the EOS spacecraft, is scheduled for launch in June 1998 aboard an Atlas HAS launch vehicle from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. EOS AM-1 is a polar orbiting spacecraft that will cross the equator at 10:30 a.m. EOS AM-1 will collect data simultaneously from a complement of five instruments. CERES, MISR, and MODIS are provided by the U.S.; MOPITT by Canada; and ASTER by Japan. Data from these instruments will enable researchers to understand how the atmosphere, land, and ocean interact with each other on a global scale.              



     The principal theme of the STS-37 patch is the primary payload, Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO), and its relationship to the Space Shuttle. The Shuttle and the GRO are both depicted on the patch and are connected by a large gamma. The gamma symbolizes both the quest for gamma rays by GRO as well as the importance of the relationship between the named and unmanned elements of the United States space program. The Earth background shows the southern portion of the United States under a partial cloud cover while the two fields of three and seven stars, respectively, refer to the STS-37 mission designation. This patch was designed by the crew of STS-37.


The next series of patches do not have any background on the reverse:



NOAA I The 34th World Weather Watcher NASA



MLV-10 AC-160

Best Built tank in the World - Built thru team work. GOLS-US.ARMY-UAW

NOAA-J operational Environmental Satellite. NOAA MARTIN MARIETTA NASA

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Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - SLC 3 memorabilia - page 1 - Playboy picture


Believe it or not - this cartoon came out of  Playboy - don't know when..... "We'd rather you didn't smoke here Senator."

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Lindgren Family - Carl Herbert Lindgren - Letter to Anne

This letter was sent to me by Anne Christine Lindgren Davison. It is a letter her father, Carl Herbert Lindgren sent to here in 1962 while Anne, John, and Blair were living in Scotland. This letter reads as:
Dear Kids                    Sept. 10, 62
     Well here is the first one and I do admit that I should have written you before this late date. But as you know I am a notoriously poor correspondent and mother is just the opposite. I remember a comment of my Fathers when we were in El Dorado, shortly after we were married. He said she wrote the most interesting letters and could say so much about nothing. I can't.

     Seems so long ago that you both left and probably seems longer to you, but it won't be long before you will be headed home again.

     We have been very busy at the plant even though our volume of business is not up to par. We are always busiest in the Enginering Dept. when sales are off, that is the time when we design new volves to off-set sales loss in other lines. Right now we are revamping one line of valves so that we can be more competetive, This is normally a high volume line so we have to lop off some costs to the extent of about 20%.

     We had a real nice trip to Sequoia and enjoyed it throughly. Brian was on crutches and Mother out of wind (too many cigarettes).


  Wished that I could get her to quit. Thats not to easy as I tried to quit for about 20 years before I made it. Haven't had one for four years. Anyway Karen and I were the only ones left to do any hiking when we climbed to the high point on Morro Rock (solid Granite) She had me going.

     I guess Mom told you that we stopped in at Tom and Larry Gurney's on the way back. there are doing real well working for their Dad, but bare land, clearing it, running irrigation lines and planting orange tree. They have their own nursery, which is just an open field, where they plant and bud their own trees. Save at least 50% on cost of trees. They bought 160 acres of clear land, improved it, planted orange trees and sold it for $280,000 after paying $160,000 for the bare land. I think they must have cleared $50,000 (my guess).

     Irvine Dunm let me read a letter he received from Bob and Grace, written since they saw you. Said they enjoyed seeing you both and spending the time to-gether with you both. Guess he doesnt like the rain there too much either.



     We received a short letter from Grace yesterday. Said how well you looked and how much they enjoyed their visit with you and John. She also mentioned hos impressed Keith was with the many beautiful Gardens in Scotland. I guess this is the compensation for all the rain. I think that Bob and Grace are very gracious people.

     Connie and Duane will have been gone two weeks next Sunday. He sould get his degree in two years. Duane seems to think that Fresno State has a good agricultural College. They are only about 35 miles from Tom and Larrys. Tom says that he can get Duane a job there with one of the Agriculture Suppliers during Christmas and the Summer Holidays. This will be good because he can get acquainted with the farming people around Fresno. I think he would like to stay in that part of the country when he is through school. I was a little concerned several months ago that he might not finish college but I feel more assured now that he will finish. I don't think Connie would enjoy farm life. He did a real good 


Job with his corn this summer as far as quality was concerned. He planted two and a half acres. The price dropped about half way through the picking, and he only cleared about $150  when he had hoped for about $400. However, it was good experience for him. I think he said he picked about 1500 dozen. It was sure good eating and wished that we could have sent some over to you.

     Brian has just started getting around without his crutches. Sure fixed me up for summer help in the yard. Had to use the last week of my vacation weeding and spraying plus mowing the Lawn.

Mon, 17

     We planted tomatoes again this year and have been getting more than we can eat. Yesterday I picked about 5 pounds, nice, big and Juicy also have several plants of the small one and should be eating them into December.

     Florie just arrived home last nite from a weeks trip on the Colorado, like last year. Except their trip was about 100 miles[from where] the canyons were narrower. They use rubber boats, there of three of the all tied to-gether.

     Shortly after the trip started, she slipped and fell, hitting the back of her head on the rock. They had several doctors on trip, had to take seven stitches.

     We very much enjoyed Geo. Brown, the Pict. and news from over there.

     Well I'd better get this off to-day as it is beginning to be ancient history.

     We love you all very much(all three or four of you) and I'll try not to wait so long next time.  Love Dad 

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Monday, September 12, 2022

Lindgren Family - Brian Carl Lindgren - Newspaper Obituary

Brian Carl Lindgren was born on 11 February 1946, in St. Francis's hospital in Lynwood California. His parents were Carl and Helen Lindgren.

Brian went to community schools in Orange County. He was an active member in the Boy Scouts for many years, starting as a Cub Scout. He went to multiple Jamborees.

He attended Magnolia High School in Anaheim, then Fullerton Community College.

Brian joined the Coast Guard in 1966, and served 4 years. He served on an island in the Philippines, Tala
mpulan Island was 1 mile by 3 miles. The transmitter was used to assist with the navigation of ships traveling to and from Vietnam. He also was assigned to Alameda island, Gloucester Rhode Island, and Southern California.

After his Coast Guard stint, 1974, Brian moved to Fresno California and finished his Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Cal State, Fresno.

Brian married Myra Winch on February 14, 1975, in Fresno California.

After moving down the coast from Salinas, Brian and Myra moved to Santa Maria, California. The couple was blessed with two sons, Andrew and Robert,

In 2004, Brian retired from Lockheed Martin after 25 years of launching Atlas "vehicles", aka rockets - which were loaded with either navigation, communications, weather, or "black satellites". He called it the best job any little boy could have imagined.

The family moved to Casper Wyoming, bringing along Myra's parents. 

One of Brian's favorite pastimes was traveling with his family around the Western states pulling the fifth wheel.

In March 2019 Brian was diagnosed with Stage 4 Kidney cancer. 

In 2021 Brian and family, traveled to Oshkosh, Wisconsin, for the "Experimental Aircraft Association" air show. This was a long held dream of Brian's.

Brian passed away at home, in the company of his family and friends.

Services will be privately held on October 8.

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