Thursday, July 21, 2022

Lindgren Family - Robert James Lindgren Sr. - Letter from Chile

Cousin Bob writes - "My dad received this letter in 1934 after his first cruise around the world that included Chile. I guess that this gentleman was encouraging Dad to get-together with his daughter. Because of the non-standard size of the form I had to split it into sections. It is bigger than Legal size.

Please see attached.......


this stuff "cracks me up"


SECCION HIGIENE SOCIAL                Santiago, 14 de Febrero de 1934

[The Republic of Chile
Minister of Social Welfare
General Directorate of Health Santiago February 14, 1934
Crafstman 9 61]

My dear boy,
            una de las mas gratas noticias que me ha traido el presente ano ha sido, sin duda, su muy carinosa carta, de mmente indignado con mi silenciio y lo atribuira a que yo puedo haberlo olvidado ya por completo.  Sin embargo, nada mas distante de la realidad: lo recuerdo siemprey y con especial afecto, del mismo modo que a Halvar. Mi silencio se debia, unicamente, a mi dificultad para excribir en ingles, pues, como Ud. sabe, no soy nada de fuerte en tan hermosa lengua. Ahora ;que me impongo de sus progresos en el espanol, le escribo  sin mas perdidda de tiempo y con la esperanza de que esta solo sea el comienzo de una larga cadena de
 correespondencia between us.

[My dear boy,
                    One of the most pleasant news that this year has brought me has been without a doubt, his very affectionate letter, indignant at my silence and attributing it to the fact that I may have already completely forgotten him. However, nothing could be further from reality: I remember him always and with special affection, in the same way as Halvar. My silence was due solely to my difficulty in writing in English, because, as you know, I am not at all strong in such a beautiful language. Now that I am aware of his progress in Spanish, I write to him without wasting any  more time and with the hope that this is only the beginning of a long chain of correspondence between us.]

        Mucho le agradezco las hermosas fotografias que me acompana a su carta, como, asimismo, las repetidas invitales. Desgraciadamente, nuestra moneda vale ahora tan poco que con decirle que un dollar ha llegado a costar $70.00 chilenos. Me queda, pues, espear que Ud. venga otra vew por estos lados en algun buque mercante, para poder conversar neuvamente y esta vez ya con mas confianza.

[I thank you very much for the beautful photographs that accompany your letter, as well as the repeated invitations. Unfortunately, our currency is now worth so little that telling you that one dollar has come to cost $70.00 Chilean. It remains for me, them, to hope that you will come around these parts again on some merchangte ship, so that we can talk again and this time with more confidence.]

                    The lady who rode with us in my car, between Valparaiso and Santiago is still in Valparaiso and remebers you very often. She will be very glad to see you again and is awaiting your new arrivel with wine & strawberries. My little niece is indeed, a big girl; she is 13 years old now and has become a good swimmer.

                    I am waiting for the new pictures which you have offered me. Please do not forget one of yourself with your whole face on front.

                    Can you do me a favor? Please don't call me: "Mr. Brito". It is that I am not your friend?

                    Well, my boy, I hope to have very soon one, two and many of new letters of you.

                    Su amigo que lo recuerda con much carino

                    [His friend who remembers him fondly.]

                                            J. Brito L. [Signature]

                                            Joaquin Brito Letelier.

                                            Avenida Francia, 1332.

                                            Santiago (Chile).


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Lindgren Family - Robert James Lindgren Sr - 1954 Christmas note

 From Cousin Bob [Robert James Lindgren 1949]:

These attachments is a note from my Dad on the flap of an envelope from a Christmas card that I made with help from Mom, Gurly Lindgren. This is from Christmas 1954. We made Santa Claus (Dad) a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and placed it and the card on the coffee table in front of the Christmas tree for Santa to enjoy after coming home from the night shift at Kobe, Inc.

[FYI Robert James Lindgren 1949, aka as Cousin Bob, and Lindy.]

Reads: "For Santa". The handwriting was probably Gurly's.


"Thanx for the swell sandwich Lindy. I sure was hungry.

Merry Christmas

Lindy & Peggy & Joan  


Santa Claus  

Realize - Cousin Bob was 5 years old at the time!

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Lindgren Family - Robert James Lindgren - Passport to Italy


This copy of Robert James Lindgren [born 1910], came from his son, Robert James Lindgren [born 1949].

Robert was in the California Maritime Academy.

I will try to translate this from Italian at some point!

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Schonborg Familly - Three Schonborg Ladies

I received this photo in 2021, from Cousin Robert James Lindgren, aka "Cousin Bob" - just to keep all the Bobs straight in the family.

This photo is from May 1929. The ladies pictured are - left to right :

Marguerita Edla Schonborgt, Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson Schonborg, and Gertrude Naomi/Gurly Schonborg Lindgren

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Clarke Family - Clark Mountain, Orange County Virginia

The topographical and photographical maps pictured here can be accessed on your computer by copying the link below to go to the site.

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