Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Larsson Family - Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson - page 3

Baltacks is in the lower right area of the map and is parish number 40.

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Larsson Family - Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson - page 2

This is the birth record for Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson. It was retrieved from Ancestry. Com.

The first printed and handwritten line reads in Swedish is:

"Utdrag ur 1893 års Födelsebok for Baltaks församling i kakinds prosteri, Skara stift, skaraborg län, 2 blad" 

This translates to: "Excerpt from the 1893 Birth Book for Baltak's parish in Kakind's Prostory, Skara diocese, Skaraborg County, 2 leaves".

Alma's birth entry is on line 8, second from the bottom of the page. this line states that she was the 8th birth in this area for the year 1893. Her birth day was May 13. She was a female legitamate birth.

The largest area of writing - Föräldrarnes
(namn,embete, yrke, stand, hemvist, nationalitet och religionsbekannelse om frammande samt stallet for modres nedkomst om eh i hemorten), translates to: Parents' name, office, occupation, stand, domicile, nationality and religious confession of progress and the stall for the mother's descent about in the place of residence.

Her father's name was Larsson [surname], Frans Oskar. Statdrang Belteburga translates to State [Farm-worker]. Belteburga [I searched the, Wiki, for Belteburga, Vastra Goteland, Sweden. All I could find was: Skaraborg County, Additional Parish Boundaries Information, which did not list Belteburga. Belteburga could have been a very small place in the area which no longer exists.] Under the column "sist fiylle alders-år" [last full age] it states Frans was 34 years of age [at the time of Alma's birth].

Alma's mother's name was Johansson. Maria Sofia h.h. [hustru or wife]. Gifta [married] 12 a [years].  Maria Sofia was 38 years of age when Alma was born.

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Larsson Family - Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson - page 1

This photo of Alma Eleonora Naemi Larsson, was taken in the studio of Hildur Sandahl inTidaholm, Sweden.
Tidalholm in a municipalitiy in Västra Götaland County, Sweden. []  

Used by permission from Robert James Lindgren.

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Schonborg Family - Karl Otto Anshelm Schonborg - page 1

Used by permission from Robert James Lindgren Jr.

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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Clarke Family - Daniel Wilson Clark - page 10

This copy of the sale sign of machinery and household goods was sent/given and used by permission from Karen Louise Clark Bradford.


Thursday, April 28, '10

I will sell the following described propertyat my ranch, one-half mile south of Millburne, Wyoming:

1 Hambletonian Stallion (Kentucky Bred); 1 extra good team geldings;
1 good pair mares, just  ready to bring colts; 1 pony mare, just ready to bring colt; 2 other mares, bred to above horse; 2 good saddlehorses; 3 colts, 1 cow.


1 Lighning Junior hay press: 2, three-quarter-Studebaker farm wagon; 1 three-quarter Studebaker farm truck; 2 moxing machines; 1 sulky rake; 3 plows; 1 potato digger; 1 harrow; 1 bob sleigh; 1 Velie buggy; 2 saddles; 1 pair chaps; 4 set harness; 2 dozen Rhode Island red hens; 2 roosters; 1,500 lbs. potatoes; household goods and other things too numerous to mention.

TERMS --- All sums under $10.00, Cash. Over that amount a credit of six months will be given. Purchaser to give note withapproved security bearing 10 per cent, interest from date.


Sale to begin promptly at 10 o'clock


Evanston Wyoming Times Electric Print

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Lower Family - Cynthia Anne Lower - page 2

I found the following record on 25 July 2020, at, Indiana Marriages, 1811-2007, Wayne,1837-1845 Volume C & D. It is Image 24 of 460. It reads:

State of Indiana} SS.
Wayne County}  Be it remembered that on the 3rd day of February AD 1838 the Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court issued a license authorizing any person legally authorized to solemnize matrimony to join in marriage Thomas G. Clark and Cinthia Anne Lower and afterwards on the 25th day of April the following return was made to the Clerks office of Said County to wit. This is to Certify that I joined in matrimony Thomas G. Clark and Cynthia Ann Lower on the [8]th day of February 1838
John Finley C.W.C.C. Freeman Farnsworth

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Clarke Family - Thomas G. Clarke - page 1 - Marriage Record

This marriage record for Thomas G. Clark and Cinthia Ann Lower was found in on 14 December 2019.

This document reads as follows:

State of Indiana}
Wayne County}     Be it remembered that on the 3rd day of February AD 1838 the Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court issued a license authorizing any person legally authorized to solemnize matrimony to join in marriage Thomas G. Clark and Cinthia Ann Lower and afterwards on the 25th day of April the following return was made to the Clerks office of Said County to wit.
this is to Certify that I joined in matrimony Thomas G. Clark and Cynthia Ann Lower on the 8th day of February 1838

JohnFinley, C.M.C.C Freeman Farnsworth

[Unoffici]al Record [is overlayed on document.]

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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Lindgren Family - First Lutheran Church, St. Paul Minneapolis - page 3

The following pictures are from the First Lutheran Church facebook page:

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Lindgren Family - First Lutheran Church, St. Paul Minneapolis - page 2

The following pictures are from the First Lutheran Church facebook page:

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Lindgren Family - First Lutheran Church, St. Paul Minnesota - page 1

The following pictures are from the First Lutheran Church facebook page:

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Lindgren Family - Robert James Lindgren - page 1

Used by permission from Robert James Lindgren Jr.

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Sunday, December 1, 2019

Clarke Family - Joseph Lane Clarke page 1

This is the only picture that I have found of Joseph Lane Clark. I have examined the picture in the right lower corner and cannot discern an "e" at the end of the name Clark

I do not know if this is one of two pictures taken the same day - possibly for his marriage to Mary Elizabeth Cornthwaite or not.

I was able to take this picture at the Lindgren Family Reunion in Santa Ana California on January 24th 2020. It is from the red velvet photo album that was brought to the reunion by Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford. Thank you for sharing!

I believe that Helen Louise Clarke Lindgren wrote the name at the bottom of the picture. It is probable that she went through the picture album and wrote in the names after talking with here mother, Anne Lillian Schaffer Clark Meredith.

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Clarke Family - Daniel Wilson Clarke page 1

I believe this newspaper clipping is from Trenton, Butler County, Ohio. It describes the Golden Wedding anniversary of John Goode and Elizabeth Sherer Good.

This clipping was given to me by Helen "Pat" Clarke Lindgren or her daughter Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford:

GOLDEN WEDDING.- Wednesday was the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of John and Elizabeth Good, who live near Trenton. It was appropriately celebrated by the children and friends of the family, who, without the knowledge of the aged couple, made extensive preparations for the event. A grand dinner was the most important auxiliary connected with the affair, to which about seventy-five persons did ample justice. J. G. Long sent as a gift a beautiful card-case, Mrs. H. C. Johns a gold napkin ring besides many other presents from members of the family. Master Daniel Wilson Clark, aged five years, a great-grandson of the aged couple, added to the enjoyment of the occasion by making the following speech: "Ladies and gentlemen, I now appear before you this afternoon. I'm not very large, but my age is five years. I will present to my great-grandpa and grandma a gold dollar, as I am the only great-grandchild. My name is Daniel Wilson Clark." His little speech was heartily received by the guests. In the evening the Seven-mile Gornet Band, by special invitation, gave some of their delightful music, and were all made happy by a bountiful supper.

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