Saturday, August 17, 2024

Scherer Family - Cemetery Records,

I found this book on some time ago - possibly 2-3 years ago. 

This is the digital address  for this publication:

This publication reads as



Copied By:

Mrs. Hazel Stroup

35 Ohlinger Drive

Hamilton, Ohio

Printed and distributed by:

Robert D. Craig

2273 Jefferson Avenue

Cincinnati 12, Ohio



 Cemetery            Location            Page

St. Peter's....................Trenton, Ohio, ....................1
Miltonville.................Miltonville, Ohio..............16
St. John's.........................Trenton, Ohio...................40
Horner..............................Oxford Twp..............................43 
Adams..............................Oxford Twp............................44
Campbellite......................Oxford Twp.....................44
Austin...............................Oxford Twp..............................45
Roll.................................Hanover Twp.........................45
Ebenezer.........................Hanover Twp.....................45
Ebenezer.............................Oxford Twp....................46
Venice............................Venice, Ohio.........................47
Scott..............................                     .................48

Located at the southwest corner of Hamilton and State Streets in Trenton, Butler County Ohio. Many stones are missing and a few are illegible, but otherwise well kept.

[I am skipping all entries down to Cornthwaite.]

CORNTHWAITE, George G., d. 17 Apr 1880, ae 12 yrs 4 mos 12 das, son of David and Catherine.
        Francis d. 28 Apr 1867, ae 68 yrs 22 das, wife Margaret and Mary.
        Margaret, d. 1 May  1883, ae 77 yrs 9 mos 14 das. husband Francis
        Mary, d. 28 June. ae 30 yrs 5 mos 22 das.
        Maudie, dau of Francis and B. Bell,{no dates}
        Samuel A., d. 12 Sept 1867, ae 2 yrs 11 mos 10 das, son of Francis and Margaret.

CORNTHWAITE (continued)

Telitha Jane, d. 2 Dec 1864, ae 22 yrs 5 mos 10das, Husband William.

Located on Elk Creek Road, Astoria, Butler County Ohio, near the intersection of West Alexandria road about a city block from the intersection called Astoria on the map, but just a few houses visible. Located on the east side of the road on a knoll.

[I am skipping from page 22 to 23.]

GOOD, (continued)
        John, d. 25 Aug 1881, ae 76 yrs 3 mos 21 das, Husband of Elizabeth.
        Elizabeth, d. 1 July 1884, ac 75 yrs 3 mos 4 das wife of John
        Daniel, 1832 - 1899
        Jacob E. 1838  -1899
        Catherine, D. 25 Apr 1853, ac 45 yrs 8 mos 1 da. dau of John and Magdalene.
        John D. 11 Oct 1827 ae    53 yrs 7 mos.
        Magdalene, d. 15 Oct 1863, ae 76 yrs 8 mos 8 das wife of  John.
        Paul R., d. 10 Apr 1941, Miami, Fla., ae 66 yrs 10 mos 5 das.
        Lee J., d. 21 Jan 1953, Boxulia, Fla, ae 72 yrs.
        Mary Alice, d. 21 Feb 1942 Hamilton, ae 89 yrs.
        Nelson H., d. 6 Jun 1916 Hamilton, ae 70 yrs 10 moms 28 das
        Arthur T., d. 17 Feb 1921, Hamilton, ae 70 yrs 10 mos 28 das
        Emma J., d. 19 Sept 1921, Trenton, ae 45 yrs.

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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sherer Family - Elizabeth Sherer - FIndaGrave

This is the entry for Elizabeth Sherer Good. I found it in 2021. This entry reads as:

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Good Family - John Good - Findagrave website

I found this entry in FindaGrave in 2021. The webpage is:

This page reads:

John Good

BIRTH        4 May 1805
DEATH     25 Aug 1881 (aged 76)
Burial        Miltonville Cemetery
                Miltonville, Butler Counry, Ohio, USA

MEMORIAL ID    152045418

According to John Good Died in St. Clair Township, Butler, Ohio, Untied States.

To view the original probate file go to a Family History Center and enter:
"Ohio, County Death Records, "1840-2001", database with images, FamilySearch ( : 4 November 2020), John Good, 1881.

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Cornthwaite Family - Robert Lyttle Cornthwaite - 1860 US Census


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Kask Family - Gustaf Kask - page 4 - estate papers


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Cornthwaite Family - Edward Cornthwaite - Birth Record

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Clarke Family - Helen Louise Clarke Lindgren's Diary

I received this diary from Karen Louise Lindgren Bradford on or about January 2020. She had brought family artifacts to a "Lindgren Cousin's Reunion".

This diary reads as follows:

                                                    June 6 1925
Dear Diary
        Altho' again belong to Helen I'm sure she won't mind if I use the first page. Please Diary dear let me tell you something, don't ever plan to have a surprise party or Helen she don't even give you a chance to wrap up her presents.
    We all of us think she is the best ever and we all love her but Anabel is yelling, "Hurry", to me so I'll have to stop now.
    Diary dear we both of us wish her the happiest birthday possible don't we?
June 7, 1925
Diary Dear -
    What oodles I've got to tell you. So much, I don't know where to begin, but anyway I'll start now.
June 20, 1925
    Dearest Diary - (Please notice the change in spelling "Dear & Diary) well anyway I have got a lot to tell you. I haven't written in my diary for a long time, 'cause I didn't have any paper or notebook. But now I have this [and] here goes. On some scratch paper I wrote some of the events between May 4th (last date in my old notebook) and June 20 - Most important fact is that Hope's dead - I wrote it out more in detail on the scratch paper, and don't feel like it now. I'll start with the week June 8th - 12th which was important because of the Y's Formal  Opening. That is the y.w.c.a., the new building has just been completed in five stories high, a patio in the center and absolutely keen in every respect. Well Monday nite the 8th we had a Fire lighting ceremony - the Junior High School girl Reserve [?] and I presided at it {Tues. afternoon Teachers Reception at Y. took Mr. Stone and Miss Beqoier.
    Inter Triangle Council meeting not much of anything that night at the Y - But that afternoon at home! Chuck came up and we were sitting on the bench outside and he didn't talk very much. I rather joked him about it and asked why and found out that he was rather "cut up" about other boy's hanging around me - He felt rather bad about it - and wondered quite  anxiously about it too - that is if I liked him best - so I caught his hand and told him everything was Ok. (You know how I mean Diary dear) and he, well - squeezed it in just the nicest way - not freshly at all but just as a sort of "Thank you" for saying that Thats the way it meant to me  - Just like a pal's handshake, then as ___ __ I had to go in, we were standing in front of the house, and as I remember it, I said "You much think I'm silly" (or something like that / and he
nodded "No" and said, "I'm in love with you"! Just as quietly and sincerely I've known he liked me best, but it rather surprised me to have him say that - then he turned and hopped on his bike and started after just saying goodbye - All that evening and the next day those first words kept going over in my mind and caused (this is silly!) a funny feeling in the bottom of my tummy! I hate to admit it but its true anyway. Whenever I read a love scene in a book or see one in a motion picture my tummy feels strange - but thats really in so awfully sincere and in earnest that it makes me feel more than ever that I shouldn't let the other boys hang around so Well anyway the next day was\Wednesday th 18th of June.
     In the afternoon, I conducted a Formal g.R. initiatian at the Y and in the evening attended the Junior Civic League Cabinet and Representation banquet at the Imperial Inn. It was 75[cents] and rather decent too. Chuck had took me home.
Sat on the bench  minute  of so. and he put his arm around me &kissed me softly on my cheek twice. The  pages 5, 6, 7, 8, were covered with XXXXXXXXXXX to clear the atmosphere. I was glad he did.

    Friday nite at the "Y" was the mother and daughter  Rich Ceremony & Anabel brought Harold F> and I asked Billy but he had already gone to Scout meeting before he called me so he couldn't come. I was complimented several times on the manner with which I presided. There are a lot of other things I could write about but too hard to remember now.
The Next Week- the last week of school - our work was almost doubled & I sure was almost doubled & I sure studied - es- pecially had on my Latin note-boobook- I got a 1 in my final Latin test. I ---- nearly fell over - It certainly tickled me. My grades are as follows, tho we didn't get any cards - first - our diploma.
Typing = 1        Algebra = 2
Phy. Ed = 1        Glee Club    = 1
English = 1        Latin = 2+

a pretty fair average considering everything else - also received my Franklin letter & my captain's letter for Phy Ed - The week before school was out I [wrote]Carl bartlett's [?]. That is the big major letter for Base ball - He is Billing's best friend & lots of fun.
Thursday June 18th - an eventful at school but in the [?]
Oh Gee!! There's much I've forgotten - One thing is the play which our English class play - "The Man Without a Country". I was Business manager & a dancer in the Minuet. Chuck Ed and [Emiron] Reynard (one of their pals) were the stage managers - in charge of the curtains etc - we had oodles of fun during the rehearsal - talking to the stage managers) They and several other boys who are interested in Radio have formed a Radio Club - I was joking them and it finally ended up with an invitation to the next meeting which would be at Eds and so to say - a party  - if we come so it was agreed to have it June 18th.

The 9A Party was the 12th of June & quite a success - I was ch. of the Program Comm, & a main character in a clever little skit. Florence Jones was ch. of the Eats comm & they sure were good. Dot gave the Prophecy just keen, too! She looked so cute up on the stage and we had a big crystal  [?] gazing globe from Buffums which was [?]
Well to [?] to the party.
June 18 - Thursday nite
    I was at Dots and we were eating supper when Ed & Chuck called (in Ed's [?] we hurriedly dashed into the bed room & started dressing while Chuck & Ed talked to a friend of Mrs. Hadsells. During supper she had been telling about a lady she had missed & who had died. Among other comments was the fact that she was so heavy it took 4 men to get t her downstairs & they dropped her at that! Jake was very sincere but Dot &  nearly died. Then  off  we went & got Anabell & Florence & eventually landed aa Eds. His folks are awfully nice & jolly too. We had a [peanut] hunt & then Ed auctioned off[green]bundles etc - which held such things as ducks, parrots will, ear rings, dish [?], & scrub brush other games & then eats  -  sandwiches, ice cream, cake && candy. Color scheme Blue & Yellow after the eats we started to teach the boys how to dance.
Chuck & I+ Ed & Dot while Florence & Anabel tried in vain to get [?] & Hugh Hixon (the other boy) to dance. Ed was leaving for Chicago the following Tues and wished that we had had such parties before - the idea then came to me, to have[?] more or less informal dance the following Monday & so I did.

Friday the 19th of June - grad - uation! Nothing on at school complete rehearsal at Municipal Auditorium where exercises were held - only at school my locker was cleaned out & my binders Almanac & everything was completely cleaned out. Gee I was mad!


Oh  yes - the day before (Thurs) we had a Farewell Assembly & Cameron McKelly, a Sophmore at Poly Hi had come down for [?]. He had his Caulea (His school annual) and I signed it and promised I'd try & rustle up an invitation for the Commencement exercises.

Friday nite the 19 - Graduation - The exercises were at the municipal auditorium on the pier and we graduates met out in front. The girls were all in tailored pastels of linen, flannel or cotton. My dress was orchid English broadcloth and made like this: with a white crepe scarf flowered in yellow, pink, & green - awfully pretty with with white shoes & stockings faintly lavender - a lavender ribbon in my hair too.
    There are 4 aisles in the auditorium & as Franklin had the most graduates we lad in. single   file -  up each aisles. Two boys and two girls - Dorotha Hadwell, Miriam Fulton, Norma Cantley & Erwin McMonigle. The tallest folks in school- A we were seated  that ( over 500 graduates from all four junior highs) the Franklin color guard of Boy Scouts, marched in with the flags. After the flag salute we the  audience sang the Star Spangled Banner. We then sat down and the invocation (a long one) was given after the continued orchestras had played. After the invocation the girl's glee Club (of which I was a part) sang 3 songs...Morning Mood May Morning & Down the Lane. The class address was then given by a Mr. [ ] he was certainly good

although I didn't hear it all. I was seated among the other shorties and between Etty Ogier and Freddy Dexter, who certainly kept me laughing or rather trying not to laugh! Among the [?] (both true &[?])(speaker) he said Doesn't judge a boy by the size of his shoes (Many glanses at masculine feet) or a girl by the rouge on her face - Then  the Boys glee Club sang - asleep in the Deep, The Soldier's Chorus & then a variation on some southern melody or something like that. Then we marched up for our diplomas - Then were mixed of course & I got some boys - I didn't ever know him & Fred Rymal-
Cameron was there and brought me a box of Lady Katharine chocolates - Keen ones two.
    Looking back I found I skipped my birthday so I'll write that now. Dot & I were going to Anabel's to make candy but when we got there, the whole gang was ther & of course it was a surprise for me - The presents I received were:
Dot - This dailing diary
Gladys - Scaramouche a book
Teddy - Chocolatles
Carol - Chohcolates
Ruth - Her photography
Florence - Her photograph
Milly - A dear filagree pin.
Patty - Perfume - FLorient
Anabel - Autograph Book
Mother & Dad - My scarf & silk stockings.

Ed - Chocolates
Billy - Hanky & card.
Chuck - An [?] of money to with the wish that I get what & wanted. 
Refused it.
The refreshments were hot choc-
olate with marshmallows & cake. Stayed all nite with Dot. Sunday nite - was expecting Patty over & almost the entire gang showed up a another surprise - We had a large angel food cake & got ice cream so it was a party too>

Well to continue.
June 22 -
    Monday - flopped in morning - cleaned house & the party at nite - Invicted guests
(no pairs)
Dot                    Chuck
Florence                Johnny Hendrickson
Anabel              Freddy
Gladys              Harold French
Patty                 Erven Reynard
Helen (Me)

Flowers - Pink carnations pink sweet peas& pink snap dragons. Refreshments - Angel food & Devil's food cake & orange sherbert- home-
made - Gee  it was good! The boys left a little after 12 and the girls stayed all nite for a slumber party - two mattresses on the floor in my room - a late breakfast of blackberries & French toast, then Mrs. Kinney took us down town in her car to the State and mother treated to a show_ So we had a Dinner, Slumber Party, and Theater party all in one- Thanks to the dearest mother going.
"24th" of July "
    Dear old neglected Diary - I've treated you shamefully, haven't I?  But its hard to write after you get behind so far. I've been swimming a lot and I'm so brown mother dear is ashamed of me. There's lot of - things that have happened & I've forgotten most of  'em. Anabel, Dot & I have been in swimming with
Chuck & Freddy a couple of times & last Sunday.  I [?] alone) was in with Chuck, Freddy John Roach, Eldon Shoemaker, & my own Buddies & Bathing slips to wear over your suit are quite in style, new, and the other morning Dot & I made us some. My [slip] [?] with trimming of small black & white checked gingham & Dots is blue gingham with the edging of blue  & white checks. In the afternoon we went in swimming with Billy and his chum Harold Schmidt who is a blonde & quite jolly & nice. Harold was leaving the next morning to motor up the coast to Vancouver and then to Kansas City to live. We had a keen time. The next morning Bill called me to say he was going too. Oh Gee! I nearly died! He left in the afternoon & I didn't get to see him but talked to him (via telephone) several times.
    Well Diary Dear - I'll never catch up if I go into detail so I'll say - they have written twice & I've answered. Also have met a new boy. Eldon Schuaker (Tony). He lives about 2 blocks from here & is a Franklin chap. He's a wonderful swimmer & is keen in the ocean.
Has remarkable poise and can very nice things easily. (A thing most of the boys can't do). Anabel & Dot like him quite well but of the[?] so far  hes paid the most attention to me. We've been learning to play Tennis (Dot, Anabel, Florence & I) and I have a new racket: I love it. Miss Henderson, the high school G.R. secretary played with us today and complimented me several times on my serve. Gee I hope I get to be a good player. We girls have been  going to the Elizabethe Club (G.R.) and last time we had a tea. Dot and I were the hostesses and it was lots of fun. We thought we would have one for Florence as she was leaving the  20th of August for Sumatra but then they got a letter from her Daddy & now they can't.

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Lindgren Family - Karen Louise Lindgren -

This is the cover of the January 1982 of Organic Gardening. On the cover is - left to right is Travis, Dennis, Owen, and then Karen. The picture was taken in 1981 at their Riverside County, California home.

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Lindgren Family - Picture of Harry Lindgren and Florie Hedger going through ashes of Harry's cabin


The title of this picture reads as:


The caption reads as:

With him before stark chimney is his sister, Mrs. Florence Hedger, who holds lindgren's dog, Hola.

I think that this photo was sent to me from "Cousin Bob" Lindgren  whose home is in Arizona.

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Saturday, February 10, 2024

Lindgren Family - Lindgren family picture - Top row - Left to right

I received this photo from Anne Christine Lindgren Davison on 18 April 2023.

This photo was taken on May 20 1967.

Top row
Left to right

John Wayne Davison, Florence [Florie] Christina Lindgren Hedger, Harry Malloch Lindgren with unknown dog -Francis Stone Nelson and Elin Linea Lindgren Nelson - Carl Herbert Lindgren

Middle row - left to right - Joan Alberta Lindgren, Helen Louise "Pat" Clarke Lindgren, Husband of Joan, Gurly Naomi Schonborg Lindgren, Jerry and Judy Lindgren  Morris [pregnant with son John].

Bottom Row - Anne Lindgren Davison, Julie Morris (Judy's daughter), Blair Courtney and Brent Vincent Davison; Jim [above] and Jeff Morris; Karen Louise Lindgren [Cascarelli] Bradford.

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Friday, February 2, 2024

Clark Family - George W. Shaffer - 1880 & 1890 US Federal Census - 1895 Iowa State Census

This 1880 census of the George W. Shaffer family was found 2 February 2024. it is page of 25. What is special about this census is that the family is shown living in Iowa. I had found a GeorgeW. Shaffer in the veteran's Census of 1890. We are very lucky that George was found on the few pages that were left after after the fire and water damage  that occured in the early 1900's at the National Archives.



1890 Special Schedule - Surviving Soldiers, and Marienes, and Widows, etc.
 for George W. Shafer. This document reads as:

This was found at: on 21 August 2018.
S.D. E.D.299 Minor Civil Division: Eaton Preble Co. Ohio

House No: 21
Family No: 280
Names or Survivors [?] Sailors, and Marines, and Widows: George W. Shafter
Rank: Pvt
Company: B
Name of Regiment or Vessel: 54 [?] Inf
Date of Enlistment: Feb 27 1864
Date of Discharge: Aug   15 1865
Length of Service:
Yrs: 1
Mos: 5
Days: 18

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Clarke Family - Daniel W. Clarke -- 1900 US Federal Census, Missouri

This is the 1900 Census of the Clarke Family in Richmond Township, Ray County Missouri. 

The date of the census was on 17 through the 28th day of June, 1900.
The Supervisor's District is No. 144
Enumeration District is No. 136
Sheet No. 16.
Number of Dwelling is: 311
Number for family in the orderof visitation is: 311

Line 36-
Head of household: Clarke, Daniel W. White, male, born Feb. 1874 and is 25 years old.
Number of years married: 6.
He was born in Indiana as were his parents.
He is a farmer.
He can read, write and speak English.
He is a Farmer and has been steadily employed.
He rents the land he farms.
He farms 280 acres.

Line 37-
Spouse: Annie S
Her relationship to Daniel is that of wife.. She is a white female who was born in July of 1874 and is 25 years old. She is married.
She has delivered 2 children, 1 of which is alive.
She and her parents were born in Pennsylvania.

Line 38-
Joseph W is Daniel's and Annie's son.
He is a white Male, born June 1897, making him 2 years old.
He is single.
He was born in Missouri. 
His parents were born in Indiana and Pennsylvania.

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Clarke Family - Clark Schaffer Marriage certificate

This picture was sent to me before 6 September 2015, by Anne Christine Lindgren Davison.





D. W. Clark 

Anne E. Schaffer



By Me

According TO THE Ordinance

of God, of the State of 

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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Clarke Family - Edward Clark - Page 3 - Inventory


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Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Clarke Family - Thomas G Clarke - General Assembly Sketches

This reads as follows:"

Volume 1
compiled and edited by
Rebecka A. Sheperd    Charles W. Calhoun
Elizabeth Shanahan-Shoemaker    Alan F. January


Published by
The Select Committee on the Centennial History
of the Indiana General Assembly
in cooperation with
The Indiana Historical Bureau


In the right hand column, the last entry is:
CLARK, Thomas G HOUSE, 1857, (MADISON). Born July 5, 1811, Madison County, Virginia. Attended public schools. Married Cynthia A. Lower, 1838 (5 children). Methodist. Moved to Wayne County, Indiana, in 1834; to Madison County in 1844; NS EWRUENWS RO qynw Xounry in 1863. Teacher; farmer. Democrat. Madison County surveyor, 1847-50; Madison County land
appraiser, 1859; township trustee, 1861-63. Died July 9, 1869, Connersville, Fayette County, Indiana, English; Harden-Madison.


What follows are entries that can be used for further assessment

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Schonborg Family - Harold Carl Schonborg - Fold3

This listing was found on 17 January 2024, on Fold3,

Harold's listing is in the upper right hand corner.

This reads as:

SCHONBORG, Harold Carl, Radioman 3c, USN, Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Otto Anshelm SChonborg, 4780 Sepulveda Blvd., Culer City.

The webpage is:,war,schonborg,world,united,america,ii,harold.

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Sunday, January 14, 2024

Lower Family - Joseph Lower - marriage

This marriage entry is for Joseph John Lower's to Cynthia Anne Lower. This entry is from: Ancestry's listing of Ohio, US County Marriage Records, 1774 to 1993. This entry reads as:

These are to certify the within names Joseph Louor and Sally Price was lawfully Joined together in Marriage by me Wm [Lees] JP.

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