Thursday, February 9, 2023

Cornthwaite Family - Cornthwaite, Robert - 1910 census

This census was re-found  9 February 2023, at:

The residence is listed on the US Federal Census, 1910, Indiana, Wayne, Milton Ward 1, ED 180.

On line 6 is Robert Cornthwait, who is the head of the household. He is a white male, who is 79 years old. He has been married twice, this time for 15 years.. He was born in Ohio and speaks English. His father was born in Pennsylvania and spoke English. His mother was born in Ohio and spoke English. Both parents spoke English.

Robert's trade/profession, work done Robert is "own income".  Robert can read and write.

He owns his own home which is free of mortgage .

Robert lives with his second wife Sarah. This is Sarah's first marriage. She is 61 years of age. She has no children. Sarah was born in Ohio and speaks English. Both of her parents were born in Pennsylvania and both spoke English. Sara can read and write English.

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Cornthwaite Family - Cornwaite, Francis - Marriage Record

This Record was found at:

The above link should take you to Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016 vol 1, Image 67 of 189.

This record reads as:
Record of Marriages        page 131


Go to the entry "21". This entry contains 4 marriage entries. Go to 3rd and 4th entries:

Married on the 13th day of April 1820 by the Reverend Stephen Gard ~ Robert Lytle to Catharine Wilson.

Married on the 20th day of April 1820 by the Reverend Stephen Gard ~ Frances Cornthwaite to  Mary Corgell.

Please understand that these County Marriages were recorded at the county seat by a clerk.

Also realize that both of these women died early in their marriages, as both Robert and Francis remarried.

©All rights reserved by Pathways in Genealogy. 2018 - 2029. No part of this website/blog may be reproduced without the express written permission from the owner.

Lytle Family - Robert Lytle Marriage

This Record was found at:
The above link should take you to Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016 vol 1, Image 67 of 189.

This record reads as:
Record of Marriages        page 131


Go to the entry "21". This entry contains 4 marriage entries. Go to 3rd and 4th entries:

Married on the 13th day of April 1820 by the Reverend Stephen Gard ~ Robert Lytle to Catharine Wilson.

Married on the 20th day of April 1820 by the Reverend Stephen Gard ~  Frances Cornthwaite to  Mary Corgell.

Please understand that these County Marriages were recorded at the county seat by a clerk.

Also realize that both of these women died early in their marriages, as both Robert and Francis remarried.

©All rights reserved by Pathways in Genealogy. 2018 - 2029. No part of this website/blog may be reproduced without the express written permission from the owner.