Friday, January 22, 2021

Library of Congress Films - 1906 San Francisco Earthquake - Army pack train bringing supplies from the Library of Congress

This is a 2 1/2 minute film showing an Army Pack Train Bringing Supplies.

I believe all of these films were filmed by the company Thomas A. Edison, Inc.

 Army pack train bringing supplies | Library of Congress (

The Summary of this film states:

The first segment shows a series of loaded mule trains, guided by mules and horses. Many soldiers ride two-to-a-horse (or mule), possibly to facilitate quick unloading of supplies. Note the "Rough Rider" - style hats worn by many of the men. The dusty location is unclear; if the tower in the right distance is St. Boniface Church, the view could be west on Golden Gate Avenue from Van Ness Avenue. The second scene (1:21 min.) shows what are probably the same mule trains passing through an unburnt neighborhood. The row of Victorian homes, the distant slope, and the church on the hill suggest a possible view east on Geary Street from near Webster Street. If the location is correct, the supplies could be headed for the Hamilton Park refugee camp or for the Presidio supply center. Pack trains such as this were the quickest and most efficient method of transporting large amounts of supplies through the hilly and rubble-filled street west of the docks.

Library of Congress Films - 1906 Berkley California 3 minute film

 A trip to Berkeley, Cal. | Library of Congress (

This shows a trolley going through the streets of Berkley. Looks alot different than today!

It even shows a man walking in the tracks of the trolley who had to be hauled off. and then rescued by  a woman.

They were a rowdy bunch even back then!

Library of Congress Films - 1906 San Francisco Earthquake 3 minute film

The link below is a 3 minute video of the gas tanks, US Mint, Emporium and Spreckels Bld'g.

 The are subtitles every few minutes when scenes were going to change.

Click on the link below and you will be redirected to another link. Click on that link. 

Exploded gas tanks, U.S. Mint, Emporium and Spreckels Bld'g | Library of Congress (


Library of Congress Films - 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Film Library of Congress

This is a nearly 9 minute silent film showing the destruction caused by the April 1904 earthquake. The copyright is from 1906. It is in the Library of Congress in Washington DC.

Click on the link below:

[Unidentified Staples & Charles. No. 1, San Francisco after the earthquake and fire of 1906] | Library of Congress (

The previous page is sending you to:

This will take you to a page with 2 hyperlinks:

Click on the link below:

The previous page is sending you to:

[I know this is a copy of the first link, but I think the search engine just wants to clarify your choice.]

This is the LOC page and you can watch the film. Just click on the play arrow pointing right and the film should play.

I know this seems odd clicking on the same links but that seems like it's the only way I can get you to the Library of Congress website and then to the film.

Thanks for your patience!

Library of Congress Films - 1906 San Francisco Earthquake Library of Congress film 5 minute film

This is the 2nd film taken in the aftermath of the San Francisco 1906. This film is 5 minutes long.

Click on the purple link below. A blue link will appear in a white box. Click on that link.

The previous page is sending you to:

If you do not want to visit that page, you can hit: return to the previous page.

The film should start. You will see this message again. Click on the purple link that appears. This will take you to the Library of Congress page for this film.

Click on the "play arrow" pointing to the right.

Library of Congress Films - 1905 San Francisco pre earthquake video

Click on the link below and a secondary box will show up with a link.

Click on that link.

You will see a "redirect" link.

Click on that link.

Click on the right arrow to start/run the film.

A trip down Market Street before the fire | Library of Congress (

This video lasts 8.5 minutes.

Library of Congress Films - 1903 San Francisco Panoramic view of the beach and Cliff House

 Panorama of beach and Cliff House | Library of Congress (

This film is nearly 2 minutes.

This film is an afternoon panoroama of weekend crowds at the north end of Ocean Beach, the wester shore of San Francisco near the famed Cliff House. The film postdates the near by Dutch Windmill (1902) and predates the burning of this Cliff House (1907). Until the 1920s much of western San Francisco was open sand dunes blown inland from Ocean Beach, the five-mile-long untamed western shore of the city.

For more information read the Summary of this film under the film.

Library of Congress Films - 1902 Panoramic view of the Golden Gate

This video was recorded in 1902, by the Thomas A. Edison, Inc.. It was incorporated as "The National Phonograph Company" on 27 January 1896. [, 22 January 2021]

This video is nearly 3 minutes long and silent. It is taken along the "Golden Gate" in California, circa 1906. I found it at the Library of Congress.

It has no copyright on it - at the moment copyright material is protected from 1924 forward. 

©All rights reserved by Pathways in Genealogy. 2018 - 2021. No part of this website/blog may be reproduced without the express written permission from the owner.

Friday, January 1, 2021

High Flight - John Magee - Page 1

High Flight

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,

And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

Of sun-split clouds, -- and done a hundrend things

You have not dreamed of -- Wheeled and soared and swung

High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there

I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung

My eager craft through footless halls of air...

Up, up the long, delirious burning blue

I've topped the wind-swept heights with east grace

Where never lark or even eagle flew --

And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod

The high untrespassed sanctity of space,

Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

Poetry - John Magee - High Flight - Oh I have slipped the surly bonds of earth (